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Friday, November 02, 2012


Fresh off his "climate disruption"-driven endorsement of President Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has chosen to divert critical food supplies and power generators from desperate residents of Staten Island to Sunday's New York City Marathon. Gothamist reports: 

[T]hose urging the city to halt the run believe that the thousands of Marathon volunteers could direct their efforts towards post-Sandy relief and cleanup, "and they also argue that the event will divert thousands of police from important hurricane-related duties." But despite petitions circulating, work started up again yesterday on the Marathon route.
A tipster, who wishes to remain anonymous, told us there were lots of workers in and out of the park today, who had "started before the storm and then came back starting yesterday." Trailers are lined up from around 71st to 66th Streets on Central Park West, a food truck was set up today, and "generators have been sitting there at least a week." The tents that were taken down prior to the storm have also been set back up, and there is a stage set up near 73rd Street.



  1. Bloomberg is as much out of touch with the average American as Obama is so what do you expect. Mitt Romney sent help in the form of supplies to NY and NJ. Obama told the victims to go to the internet for help. I guess Obama doesn't realize you need electricity to use the internet.

  2. Can we say 'out of touch'?

  3. What choice did he have? If the victims hadn't gotten into an uproar the event would have gone on.

    They had 100's of porto potties, generators to run 400 homes and plenty of food, all secured by barbed wire and were not made available to the people that needed it until the victims said no way!

    Democrats, the campassionate party when they are forced into the corner when they've been caught being insensitve to the needs if the hungry and homeless!

    I guess they figure most of the people in those areas won't be able to vote because of the circumstances, so why bother?

  4. No one knows what Bloomberb was thinking when he even considered holding this marathon. Unless like some they thought it would be all better when Capt Obama flew over. People understood for about the first 2 days that they were going to be inconvenieced. Now reality is setting in and the camradery has worn off and tempers are flaring. Any and all resources including PD/FD/EMS/sanitation workers are needed at the disaster sites.

  5. Obama has only been to NJ and NJ only, there are plenty of areas in need.

  6. "What choice did he have? If the victims hadn't gotten into an uproar the event would have gone on."

    It wasn't just the victims, but quite a few of the runners themselves (100's) who did not feel right running past all the devastation and starting the race in exactly the same place where 19 bodies were found. Long time spectators and volunteers for the marathon say they would not be at the race also since many were planning to be offering their assistance at flood sites.


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