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Monday, November 05, 2012

Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'

Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.



  1. WHAT A JERK HE IS!!!!!

  2. Why doesn't obama come out against this???? I don't know how as a woman his wife doesn't. These people are the worst humanity has to offer. Anything goes with them. I just can not imagine what kind of parents raised the such horrible people like the obamas.

  3. I stopped worrying about the bogyman years ago.

  4. 10:58
    obama was not rised by his parents he was raised by several avowed communists who have groomed the guy for this position. if people actually knew who he was they would not vote for him

  5. bill maher; one lost soul. ignorance comes as a result of not knowing God. without God there is no wisdom; in fact God actually calls them a fool if they deny Him.

    always consider the source.

  6. Riding that freight train to hell has clowded his vision.

  7. I'll wait for them...

  8. yesh so what we know who the obama voters are and where they live! big freakin deal! let em come to my neighborhood, I got plenty of ammo!


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