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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bed Bugs

A friend attending the Salisbury Kennel Club Dog Show this weekend stayed at this Hotel on Rt. 13 this weekend and was loaded with bed bug bites.

The really bad part about this is that they'll probably go home with the bed bugs in their luggage and have the same problem at home.

Their arms were just loaded with bites. You've been warned. "Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite".


  1. Critter Getters! They have heat treatment system.....works 100%

  2. Tell them to not bring the luggage into the house! Put everything in plastic bags and then into the freezer for several hours. Friends in the dc area brought bed bugs home from a trip and it took almost a year to completely eradicate them.

  3. Lets report them to the Health Dept.

  4. OMG how awful. Now that really sends out a positive message about Salisbury doesn't it.

  5. I would suggest staying at a higher end hotel next time.

  6. First, the Health Department nor any other agency has any control over places with bed bugs. Second, bed bugs have been reported in higher end hotels right here in Salisbury. Your best protection is to look behind pictures and even in light sockets before taking in your belongings. Keep your belonging in the bathroom or better yet, take in only what you must and put in a plastic bag when you remove it just to be safe.

  7. 10:20am please tell us what higher end hotels right here in Salisbury? Please prove or cite your sources. Second, the bathroom on any hotel room is basically a public restroom andis just as unsanitary.


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