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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Baywater Animal Rescue Adoptee Political Advocat

Cambridge, MD-- When Sunshine was available for adoption at Baywater Animal Rescue, he seemed like any other orange tiger cat. Little did staff realize the impact he would have for thousands of cats in Maryland. Shortly after being adopted and moving to Prince George’s county, Sunshine befriended an outside kitty with a tipped ear. (A tipped ear is done when an outside or feral cat is neutered.) At the time, Sunshine’s owner wasn’t looking for a second cat and let the kitty come and go as he pleased - until she found out he could be killed. Animal Control was able to pick up stray cats and - tipped ear or not - kill them after a few days. This upset Sunshine so together with his owner they decided to change the law.

After a lot of networking and educating, Sunshine worked with Council Member Mary Lehman who introduced a bill which was passed November 20th. Under this bill, most eartipped cats trapped by animal control will be immediately returned to their home outdoors—not impounded in shelters where they could be killed. All eartipped cats that end up in the county pound would have the opportunity to be rescued by local cat organizations. This bill will help to protect cats and ensure that compassionate people in Prince George’s County won’t see the eartipped cats they care for killed by animal control. Prince George’s County Animal Control will immediately release any cat trapped that has a tipped ear.

Baywater Animal Rescue applaud’s Sunshine’s efforts and hopes that this is the start of more life-saving legislation in Maryland. “Love them or hate them, feral cats are here to stay,” said Suzette Stitely Executive Director of Baywater Animal Rescue. “This bill protects the cats and the people who care for them. Spaying and neutering is the only way to solve the problem of so many feral cats.” If you would like to get involved in feral cat rescue locally, please contact Baywater Animal Rescue at info@baywateranimalrescue.org or call 410-228-3090.  


  1. Who is standing up for the dozens of wild creatures killed by Sunshine's feral friend each week? Baywater and their western shore counterpart may consider themselves compassionate people, but their compassion is not extended to all animals...something I find morally inconsistent. Time to stop playing favorites, or better yet, just explain how you value the life of one cat more that the hundreds of other wild animals a single feral cat will kill in his lifetime.

  2. 10:42 - REALLY? Ever heard of the Food Chain? Law of Nature? Lawd I hope you don't vote!


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