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Saturday, November 03, 2012

A Tale Of Two Economies


  1. A more informative comparison would be to compare the change from 2000-2004 in economic and job numbers to the change in 2008-2012.

  2. romney will not be our savior, but he will make a very good presidnet for our nation. pray and ask God to have mercy on us once again.

  3. lol. Well, of course these stats show Bush's America BEFORE his ENTIRE second term, when everything went downhill.

  4. Comment #1. Please show me the numbers you have on the dates you mention, 2000/2004. I'am waiting because I do have the #s as well. I think, excuse me, I know, you are full of ship. When is your next Muslim Brotherhood meeting? Perhaps you can share that info then! And as a supporter of Obama, you condone Muslims.

    1. Leave it to a zealot like yourself to turn a debate about economic indicators into bigoted name calling.

      Why can't you debate the facts without resorting to that sort of behavior. Are your positions so weak and unsupported by the facts that you have to incite outrage with your comments?

  5. Too bad 47% can't read this chart, and more just won't. OWWW! now I've got an ice cream headache!

  6. This is funny. So the incredible decline seen from 2004 to 2008 under George W. is spun into a penalty for Obama because the way these numbers are presented puts the statistical burden on Obama to work out of W' hole.

    Where were all these infographics when W was destroying the economy with expensive wars and deregulation.

    Stop with the deep spin and lies. Obama hasn't piloted any miracle turnarounds, but the stats as presented here translate to statistical lies.

  7. 848 you show you're nothing more than a partisan hack that lacks the ability to look at any data objectively or put it in context. I simply commented about the comparison used here, yet you turn it into a partisan attack whereby I am now an enemy of the US. Can you say "hilarious"? Ladies and gentlemen, look no further than 848 if you want to see what is wrong with America right now.

  8. The bottom line is this. Obama is a liar. Period. If our government wanted to get to the truth, have DNA tested and find that his two children are not his.

  9. The "W" hole was actually the Pelosi/Reed HOLE AHOLE 9:28.

    1. There's always a skapegoat. Please provide citations of how Pelosi and Reed caused the economy to crash. I'm waiting for evidence to back up your one sentence response.

  10. 8:48 sorry that common sense seems to have passed you by. But it seems pretty simple to me that you would judge both presidents by how the numbers changed over the course of their term (2001-2004/2009-2012).

    But here's a number for you. UE Jan. 2001-Nov.2004, +1.2 after a relatively minor recession. UE Jan 2009-Oct 2012, +0.1, after a GLOBAL recession of historic proportions.

  11. 9:51. Thanks for your comment. Now, show me the numbers. That's all I asked for to begin with. Is that simple enough for you to understand? Show me the numbers.

  12. Needed to be added to the list,

    1. Number of troop deaths under Bush versus Obama
    2. Average family health care cost per yr, Bush versus Obama
    3. Average College tuition, Bush versus Obama
    4. Food stamps, Bush versus Obama
    5. Terrorist attacks on US Citizens, Bush versus Obama

  13. 8:29
    Didn't the Democrats take over the legislature in 06' and begin their obstructionist politics again? look at the statistics, that is when everything went to h$ll in a handbasket!

    Romney 2012.
    Liberals have proved they can't run anything without lowering the bar and blaming anyone else while running it into the ground and stealing everything the can get away with.


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