The pansexual Left is daily making deeper inroads into the very heart and soul—and loins—of Western culture, intent, it seems, on sexualizing our children as if they were already mature and capable adults. Along with militant hatred of traditional customs, prurience masking as liberal complaisance has become one more ideological force eating away at the established and time-tested norms and usages that have characterized Western civilization and that have provided for its (now-threatened) durability. Traditional and even biological partitions have grown porous and some have fallen altogether, a phenomenon increasingly symbolized by the prefix “trans.”
One thinks of the European movement to dissolve nation states and replace them with a “transnational” entity, and now of the social and educational recognition of a new category of human beings, known as “transgenders” or the “transgendered.” Cultural and natural distinctions are in process of being wiped out and supplanted by a fetish for collective and undifferentiated existence—which is to say, we are toiling in an untenable paradox. We are all equallydifferent, we all possess the same rights to be what we want to be and to expect the world to acknowledge us as such, in defiance of both social and empirical reality.
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