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Monday, October 29, 2012

You Really Have To Wonder How The Animals Are At The Salisbury Zoo

Many people tend to forget that the Salisbury Zoo is 95% in the flood plane zone. Hundreds of animals have died over the years due to flooding.

If anyone has any contacts down at the Zoo we'd love to hear if and where they evacuated animals and just how bad things got down there today.


  1. I hope someone thought to build an arch

  2. I hope they took care of the animals.

  3. Sad very said. I hope they are ok. Wild animals can usually fend for themselves in this weather, however not if they are caged or enclosed.

  4. You know the prarie dogs died, what a horrible death to let them drown. But we have a new 6 figure position for the new Executive directors position. Jim Ireton you POS

  5. The prarie dogs that were relocated by the buffalos died? Maybe they were able to get them into cages higher up. I always fees sorry for the critters.

  6. They shouldn't house animals in a flood plane! Period. They continue to lose them to catastrophic rainfall every few years. PLUS, they contaminate our river with their excrement. We don't need to spend millions on a facility that would better serve our homeless...animals included.


  7. any word about the animals at the zoo? how did your building fare Joe?

  8. This would make a good movie.call it "The return of Humphries Pond"


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