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Monday, October 29, 2012

You Had Me At Joe


While I have only been following SBYNews for a little under 3 years now I have seen you do amazing things. You followed Sarah's story all the way to Annapolis. You fought and won for stronger Sex Offender Laws. You post any and all missing animals so they can be reunited with their owners. You get involved with local government and tell us things no else has the gusts to say. You go out shovel snow for the handicap and elderly. You are running for Mayor to make a positive change in the City. And now, today you have stayed on top of this storm that has in packed so many lives here on the Eastern Shore. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.   

Your Loyal Follower


  1. I second that emotion! I know Joe personally and am proud of that!

    Thanks, Joe! GB

  2. Let's not forget his work with the salvation army and all those nights in the freezing cold raising money for them. I remember the free turkeys he'd give away. No one covered the Leggs trial better then Joe either. You've been a great asset to us all Joe and I thank you very much.

  3. That is very touching, and so very true.

  4. Loyal Follower-

    Well said. We don't say Thank You enough. Thanks Joe.

  5. Thank you Joe and staff.

  6. I have often said that Joe would make Salisbury a great Mayor. So many good deeds from this man - that I cannot count.

    I hope that when the time comes to pull the lever for Salisbury's next Mayor that no one will forget.

    Thanks Joe - for all you have done.

  7. I hope you sleep good tonight, you have earned it.

  8. We lost power twice today and the first thing we did when it came back on was to go to Salisbury News. Thanks for being there.

  9. Joe please tell your family we all say thank you. They are giving you up for us and we many not always say it but we are thinking it.

  10. Yes Mr. Joe, Thank You. For the great coverage of this storm and for all the information and the work you do.
    With WBOC and others MSN lousy coverage of Hurricane Sandy, it is very clear the best source of information on Delmarva is SBYNEWS.

  11. thank you joe for all you and your family have been through.

  12. I've been following you for a very long time Joe. I can recall when you fought the mayor and chief of police and won. I remember when you exposed the waste water treatment plant. I also recall you feeding the homeless. You'll make a great mayor for Salisbury. Your people did a great job today. Thank you for everything.

  13. Salisbury you are sooooo lucky to have people like Joe Albero, Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies. Amazing to have such great people willing to devote themselves to a City.

  14. Don't forget joe also took on the blight of the unsightly sidewalks and first impressions of Salisbury near Perdue.

    Joe got the ball rolling by shoveling up that derilict mess, and the responcible followed the lead and did what they should have been doing all along, keeping their property maintained, isn't that right Jimmy ireton?

  15. Thank you Joe. You have kept us all up to date during this storm.

  16. thanks joe for everything you do


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