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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Will Mayor Ireton Ask Nice?

Another major topic brought forth last night was the Salisbury Skate Park. The proposed location flat out sucks, period. There are four homes right next to the proposed location and quite frankly they would be building the skating area on almost the entire foot print of that location. There's absolutely no room for expansion, should the Park take off like expected. So someone needs to slow this project down, take a deep breath and reconsider other options.

That being said, Debbie Campbell delivered a proposal last night that, (for those interested) will blow you away. Directly behind the Manufacturing Company next door to the Civic Center is a 6 acre parcel absolutely perfect for this Skate Park. There's a catch, it's owned by the County. Mind you, the property is in the City limits, which qualifies the project grants.

However, the Mayor needs to go to Rick Pollitt and ask if they'd be willing to gift the property to the City and or partner with the City on the project. From the looks of Ireton's reaction to this great idea, he didn't look like he'd try very hard to encourage the County to work with the City.

There is no better location than this property. It's centrally located and very close to the other location that truly won't work. Debbie Stam seemed bothered about the fact that there may be yet another change to the DNR Grant but quite frankly, do it right or don't do it at all. She wanted to remind every one that this has been 5 years in the making but I'd like to remind Debbie that subjecting home owners to a Skate Park directly across from their homes, (the biggest investment of their lives) is simply unreasonable.

Expanding to a 6 acre location completely out of the way, yet centrally located is the answer. Hopefully Mayor Ireton rethinks this whole thing and realizes just because Debbie Campbell proposed it doesn't mean he should hurt the skaters because of his differences with her personally.


  1. Yes indeed, if Debbie & Joe says it, it must be right!

  2. A skate park huh. You people have no ideal what your in for, do you. Why do you think they bulldosed the last one? And we were timid compared to todays world. Go ahead and find out.

  3. Back in the day we would simply make a midnight wood run and build our own. So much easier without politics involved.

  4. The last one was nothing but trouble attracting drugs and trash. Nothing will change this time. Waste of money.

  5. It's the off season, use swiming pools

  6. Skate Park? What a joke, just what the City DOESN'T need!!!!!!

  7. Our company will not grant it there either without a battle.

  8. Sounds like a white elephant to me.

  9. What happened to the one one John Robinson was planning to build? I don't think Salisbury needs the headaches of a city run/owned skate park. But what does it matter what I think - I'm just a tax-payer.

  10. Yeah, right. You want the county to gift something to the city. If that happens everyone will be crying foul, complaining about a good ole boy network and how the county was cheated out of "valuable property."

  11. I really don't care that it would be close to houses or business. We were all young once but most people seem to have forgotten that. That being said i think that the location Debbie proposed would be ideal. Maybe have some type of program where if there are skaters who want to use the park part of the admission 'fee' is that for every hour of time you want to spend in the park you have to volunteer for a half hour. Or they can sign up to volunteer to keep the park clean. This is just a jumping off point but you guys get where i am going with this. There has to be some kind of happy medium that will work for everyone.

  12. In a woods that also backs up to Parkside Apartments? Riiiiight! 4 wooded areas right there on hilly ground. I rode by there today. Absolutely an invitation for fights, rapes, and drugs..

    So on my ride back, I was looking down over Picnic Island, and thought, "Now, if they put it there, everyone would be out in plain sight, there would be a reason for PARENTS to be there with the kids with the BBQ pits and horseshoe pits there. Adults jogging there. In plain sight of North and South Park Drives for police patrols. Responsible adults with cellphones there to witness any wrongdoing. Make the kids behave! And, it's already owned by the City! I've never seen Picnic Island full, but this move could do it. And, there's a MOAT around it! Do something bad there and you have to take the bridge to get away!

  13. In other communities across the country they have the area patrolled for a given time each day. The park itself is fenced, locked and secured when not in use. They have insurance on the property for obvious reasons.

    It could be a good thing for our youth but it comes at a cost. What doesn't?

    Location is very important and so is community support. Are the families of the youth that are interested going to be involved or is this a problem? Could some of the local youth leaders in our community get involved on a regular basis? More brainstorming is needed.

    Not sure commonsense will prevail under Ireton's direction. Just going by his history...

  14. HEre we go again another common sense idea prime location and finally something for the youth of this area to have..GOOD idea, but what you propose eliminates the backroom deals and pocket lining i.e bussiness as usual for Smallabury...sorry common sense and government do not get along..just a thought from a fruitland resident who has been following smallsbury politics since this blog started..finally a breath of fresh air this site is...Love it great idea push hard and shove it up there crooked Blanks

  15. What's all this about backroom deals? Why shouldn't the county gift the property to the city? This really should be built by the county, but if it's not going to be, the least they can do is help out.

    If I were a homeowner, I'd be getting an attorney. Why build it so close to houses when a better place is available?

  16. Is that first comment from Ireton? Sounds like the juvenile one.

  17. With crime, gang activity and lack of parental care in Salisbury you better plan on including a lot of police presense there 24/7. What a shame.

  18. Great idea as far as the location but, getting the county (Gary Mackes) to give land to the city? I wouldn't hold my breath. As for the park built & demolished because of poor design and expensive improvements needed because of it's design was buried by the county with the same notice as the Colts leaving Baltimore NONE! As for fights, rapes, drugs etc... maybe if you and your kids are allowed in but, I challenge you to show multiple examples of such behavior at Ocean City's Bowl or Ocean Pines skateparks! Why don't we do a social experiment and invest in these young people they're worth it they are our future and so is skateboarding. Ask the Town of Ocean City who have the longest skatepark in continuous operation in the world what the recent addition of the Dew Tour has done for them economically? Go ahead I dare you to get off your couch and ask around.

  19. 5:44, I dare you to gather up people to go to the county and get them to do the right thing. Nothing wrong with a skatepark, but put it in a better place.

  20. 5:44 is right here is one thing that I do agree "IS FOR THE KIDS"???.. A positive place for some fun an outlet. Listen WICO and CITY do the right thing for once!!! get your GOB behind this set this up near the civic center it makes the most sense!! to have it that area for policing, neighbor issues, and location....but what I really want to know is HOW MUCH FRIGGIN LAND DO THESE MUNICIPALITIES and counties own!!! I say place eminent domain on the Civic center then bulldoze it for the new skatepark/high rise parking for the new ampetheater in the old mall lot...

  21. Building a skatepark would be such a positive thing for Salisbury. It's human nature to want to belong. Especially our youth. Be it a school function, a music scene or the streets. Skateboarding is one of those things that builds kids confidence and gives them something to be a part of. Its a good, honest, healthy, challenging activity that one could be a part of and cherish their whole lives. The proposed funded site on South Park Dr. holds all the ingredients of building a free public park and giving local youth something to belong to. The alternate N. Park site has potential too, but with some big roadblocks. We should be proud to have this opportunity, for DNR and the state to put trust in us to give to our community what it has asked for. I pray that the community and local government have the foresight to see what a positive thing a free, safe public skatepark would be and build one.

  22. I am not for the county gifting anything to the city. Maybe an even swap would work.

    Another thing to consider if the Civic Center wanted to expand they may need that acreage.

  23. Most of you I'm sure have no idea what you are talking about. Most likely have never set foot near a modern skatepark. This city NEEDS a place for the community to gather and enjoy. Salisbury is a dying town thanks to people like you. You don't see the need to address the very things that will keep the younger generation in this town. I am a skateboarder who has traveled and lived around the country and have seen forward-thinking cites which are built on the foundation of a strong, active COMMUNITY. Yes, a skatepark might be a step out of your comfort zone, but go visit ocean pines for yourself and see what an asset it truly is to that community. I'm 21 years old. We obviously need some fresh blood around here.


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