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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Verdict In College Park Beating Case

There's a verdict in the trial of two police officers on trial in the beating of a University of Maryland student.

Prince George's County Police Officer Reginald Baker has been found not guilty on all counts.  Officer James Harrison was found guilty of second degree assault and not guilty of misconduct in office. 


  1. Beating the $hit out of someone is NOT misconduct in office?

    NOT guilty of all charges?

    Was the jury all cops wives?

  2. Did they SEE the tape? NOT GUILTY??? WTF!? Protect and serve? Equal justice under the law? We are the police. We beat, rape, rob, destroy, and kill. Its called the "I can get away with ANYTHING I want" and anyone who doesn't think thats the case, ask yourself this --- if you saw that tape and it was YOUR son who took that ace-whipping, would YOU be cheering the police right now? Would you TRUST them anymore? This kind of thing happens in the black community EVERY DAY. One by one, little by little, these goons are turning the American citizens against them. Keep it up. We need more recruits.


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