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Friday, October 05, 2012


Thousands of President Obama supporters turned out in in Madison, Wisc., for a rally following Wednesday night’s debate in Denver. The mood was somber, to say the least, as they waited to enter Bascom Mall at the University of Wisconsin Thursday afternoon. University of Wisconsin students and fellow Wisconsinites had mixed reviews on the president's performance.

I talked to supporters of the president who had watched the debate, asking how they thought the president did. One after the other said they were left unimpressed and “not inspired,” seemingly depressed and lethargic in their continuing support of the president.'


  1. Totally disagree that he should have been allowed to have a teleprompter. The Liberals are such sore losers and can't stand when they don't get their way. Lived with one for a short time and could not stand his arrogance - booted him out the door. Same thing needs to happen to Obama - good riddance.

  2. Ask those idiots if they are allowed to use open books and/or electronic devices when taking their exams in school ....

  3. what do you need a teleprompter for. you either know it or you don't. it's obvious he doesn't know anything. besides his answers would never be good because they're wrong and bad for our country.

    i hope the Young in this nation see what a joke he is and the fact that their future has been screwed for many years to come. they better vote straight republican for at least hope for tomorrow.

  4. Depressed after continuing support for the president ...lmao. I bet they are.I know I'm depressed and I sure as hell dont support him.

  5. These college students are a bunch of full blown liberals! Thank goodness I have a family member in college who is smart enough to see through them and knows right from wrong! He can see right through Obama and knows that he is not the direction to go with. Liberals are such sore losers.

    GO ROMNEY/RYAN 2012!!!

  6. It was the altitude...he should do much better closer to sea level, but the temperature difference in Florida compared to Colorado or NY might cause some issues...its also very humid in South Florida. All of this, along with the possibility of bad weather and unusally high tides at this time of year could determine his performance without his telepromter.

  7. Lol @ 8:48! I detect some sarcasm. At least I hope so.

  8. 8:48, LOL, good one!

    Some of the comments here are almost as worrisome as the article.

    Bottom line is, a teleprompter can't work at a debate, D'OH! unless both sides are totally scripted. Period. End of discussion.

    In a stretch of the concept, I suppose there could be someone answering behind the teleprompter and typing like a maniac, but then D'OH! it's a debate between somebody else.

  9. The night of the debate Obama was preoccupied and rattled by a scandal that's brewing. The White House has been attempting to block the story but it's due to be released on Monday. It involves all these so called $5 and $10 donations Obama supposedly is receiving from the average person. A national news magazine and a national website are going to break the story-Stay tuned to Monday....


  10. What's worse than the average cheesehead?

    An educated (supposedly) cheesehead.


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