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Tuesday, October 09, 2012


Scores of U.S. troops have been killed by supposed allies within the Afghan military and police forces.  These green-on-blue murders prompted the Pentagon to suspend joint patrols.  Retired U.S. Marine Bing West, an author and former assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs in the Reagan administration, has been embedded with U.S. troops in Afghanistan on many occasions and just returned from going on a series of patrols.
He told WND’s Greg Corombos there really isn’t more that can be done to screen the Afghans going on these patrols, so our current strategy seems pretty pointless.
“I just don’t know what we’re doing anymore,” said West. “If your degree of trust has gone away, I don’t know what you’re accomplishing when people tell me that we’re partnering. If you think your partner may kill you, there’s something wrong with this as a strategy.”


  1. Oh, New Policy, GTFO! Let's just get the f out now and we're done! Goodbye,m sianara,see ye later alligator!

    How long do we have to bang our collective heads against a middle east brick wall of everlasting religious war before we learn our lesson?

    Well, I guess until we figure out we're better off on our own oil...

    Stupid Motherfxxkers
    in the Newa

  2. West said it’s time to close up shop and let the Afghans fend for themselves.
    No question about this. End the threat. Nice knowing you, I'm going home to defend the USA.

  3. Most of us agree that the illegal wars should end abruptly and without delay.

  4. Bring our brave soldiers home. We will be needing them here to defend our homeland against the anarchists,communists and muslims.


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