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Friday, October 19, 2012


Two epic gaffes at one campaign stop. First, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of supporters that Paul Ryan "has written a book called The Young Guns with two other members of the House, no these are Republican leaders in the House. You had, unfortunately, the bullets are aimed at you.” Then he lost track of which version of planet Earth he's on and wondered who in the audience had served in our war with Iran.



  1. Yeahhhhhh more Obama/Biden bashing. The more you post the more idiotic you all look.

  2. 6:35
    Sorry if the truth offends you. Obama and Biden make our job so easy. The fact that you think we are idiotic and support these 2 clowns speaks volumes about you.

  3. If you numbnuts are so paranoid of Obama, please leave the country when he wins the election


  4. Obama will not win and I would recommend you go to Kenya with him. There are more people working than the NEEDY CLASS!

  5. Alex - EVERYONE should be paranoid about Obama. He is a socialist, could care less about our country, can't tell the truth........etc etc etc.

  6. Have you stopped to think if Obama
    is reelected and something happens to him this man becomes our President

  7. Before the VP debate Biden's likeability rating was 8 points ahead of Ryan's. Right after the debate he fell 4 points behind Ryan in likeability. Ryan could have say anything-it was hard to pay attention to him with Biden sitting there grinning and laughing like a mental patient with a bad set of dentures. I don't know what he thought he was trying to prove.

  8. Hey Alex, Obama threw the U.S. Ambassador and 3 Navy Seals to the wolves and let them die, so what do you think he would do with you or me? Another Bump in the Road ? Just say NO-BAMA 2012

  9. This big mouth loser is NEXT IN LINE to be President?! He's just another thief whoi thinks that Congress is a CAREER! Maybe the biggest problem in our system is the fact that so many people like him get used to the kingly salaries and perks of "representing" we, the people. When, in fact, they stopped "representing" us a long time ago. Now, its all about getting rich on insider deals, fat pensions, world travel (on our dime), "campaign contributions --- BRIBES!--- and every kind of priviledge under the sun. It AIN'T supposed to be a lifelong appointment.

  10. He's soo stupid! How anyone can say Palin was this dumb, I'll never know.

  11. Biden did come across as the National Idiot during the debate. He could be the poster child for The National Psychiatric, Mental Disorders & Behaviour Abnormalities Awareness Day if there was such a thing.


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