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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Today's Survey Question 10-2-12

How soon is too soon to put out Christmas stuff in stores?


  1. before thanksgiving is too soon

  2. Walmart and Doller General are fully displayed.

    After Halloween to me is appropriate

  3. Before Halloween is to soon.

  4. I agree with 11:22am. I think the week before Thanksgiving is soon enough. Many people like to start decorating right after Thanksgiving so they can enjoy the Christmas feel for more than a month.
    On the flip side, the question would be how long is too long for Christmas decorations to be displayed?

  5. Before Thanksgiving weekend is over.

  6. The day after thanksgiving should be the starting point.

  7. Before Thanksgiving

  8. Should never put it out! Do away with Christmas. It is all about the dollar.

  9. After Thanksgiving for the sales. I won't decorate before Dec. 1st. Have to keep it in the same month at least.

  10. I think its ok to put some things out now.. I like to buy little things here and there that way after Thankgiving I can decorate... Its just easier for me financially to buy here and there instead of all at once...

  11. For the less devout - July 5th

    For the truly devout - Day after Labor Day

    /sarcasm off

  12. They say to get all your Christmas shopping done early. Then they complain when the stores comply and put out their stuff early.

    Which is it??

  13. Putting it out now allows people to put things on layaway and pay for it over time. They used to put it out earlier if I remember correctly. Now halloween things come out after back to school and Christmas is about a month later.


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