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Monday, October 01, 2012

Today's Survey Question 10-1-12

Are you willing to pay to view the Daily Times On Line?


  1. Not with sby news so sharp
    Thanks, Joe

  2. Absolutely NOT! I can come here for FREE.

  3. No - the only paid subscribers will be those desperate to get a job or the classified rentals

  4. If the ever came up with NEWS - rather than fluff - and tripled the accuracy and eliminated the bias, maybe.

  5. No not paying for liberal propaganda.

  6. Nope.

    Still an incompetent and questionable rag.

  7. Mainly only use online for Obits which I hope you could pick up

  8. Does the Daily Times realize that what they have on line was already on the news the night before. So why would I pay.

  9. I agree with 11:31 AM, but until then, absolutely not.

  10. They will survive do to the law requiring certain legal procedings be advertized in a local weekly newspaper.This cost will support them until!

  11. No, in fact I am allowing my daily subscription to lapse.

  12. I won't pay just to read their slant on a story, no way.

  13. When they become right of center, do more than cut and paste from the AP, hire real reporters and writers like Brice Stump to cover local stories, and when their collective noses get pulled out of the present mayor's a$$, then I will begin to consider the possibility. I'll need a free trial version first...

  14. Please list obits and I wont have go go there for anything. Maybe you could take classifieds and a looking for a job section???
    We would not need the daily rag for anything.

  15. No way I just go there to see the obituaries maybe I will try legacy.com and they will give them to me if not I just will not know until my phone rings that someone I know has passed.

  16. Short answer = NO

    Longer answer is that they may claim a certain level of subscribers due to 'bundling' a dead tree copy with internet access. Overall clicks by fresh, unique eyes has got to drop like a rock once they lower their barricade...and savvy advertisers won't be pleased to be paying as much, or more for fewer viewers.

    Most of what they print is 'Olds' rather than 'News'; the website is equally devoid of news, and to add insult, they link to stories that are days or weeks old. Pretty sure they still have a link to FDR's funeral active!

    Too bad.


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