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Tuesday, October 09, 2012


Police: “Enter Detroit At Your Own Risk”

If you plan on visiting Detroit any time soon, the police have a message for you: “Enter Detroit at your own risk”. That ominous message was actually emblazoned across the top of a flyer that the Detroit Police Officer Association was passing out prior to a rally on Saturday. The flyer pointed out that Detroit is the most violent city in the nation and that more homicides are committed in Detroit than anywhere else. Meanwhile, the number of police officers in Detroit has been steadily decreasing. There are more murders in Detroit today than there were a decade ago, but the number of police officers in the city has decreased by about 1,000 over that time period. The remaining police officers are overworked and incredibly frustrated. But Detroit is far from alone. All over the nation there are major cities that are reporting a spike in crime even as police budgets are being slashed. Sadly, this is just the beginning. As the economy gets even worse, budget cuts will become even more severe and crime will become an even bigger problem. In many areas of the country, police have become little more than report takers. If you report a crime that is not considered “high priority”, you will be lucky to get an officer to come out a few hours later to fill out a report.

In cities such as Detroit, criminals are becoming much bolder and are openly mocking the police. For example, according to a recent WND article, one gang has literally taken over a convenience store in Detroit and the police literally seem powerless to do anything about it….



  1. I was in Detroit a couple of years ago. We were attending a Convention. We were told not to venture outside alone, rather travel in a group.
    We rode downtown to a restaurant. The streets and buildings looked like something from a movie (a horror movie). I was very happy when the convention was over. I do not expect to return there again. I can only imagine what it is like now. It is sad that such a great city and come down to this!

  2. supply Iran with the longitude and latitude to pratice with their nukes.


  3. Pay back for cival war.


  4. 6:52 pm.
    Yes, Were paying a heavy price for winning.

  5. 7:26
    The people who won the Civil War have paid no price at all. They WON remember? Seriously, do you remember what "win" means? Or have you been mind controlled by public education and believe everybody is a winner?

    The people who won the Civil War (their descendants) are doing nicely. They are the international bankers who now print money out of thin air. I highly doubt that you are among them.

    So then, why would YOU (we in your statement) be paying anything at all? You see, I assume you were born in the North and therefore believe you have something in common with the people who won the Civil War. You have no relation to them. You only think you do. But you (and I) do not have anything in common with the Winners at all. We are all slaves now using the currency they have given us to buy the things which they supply for us. We are cattle. Useless eaters.

  6. This is the result of liberal policies. Detroit has been unchecked liberal rule for how many years now?

  7. We are cattle. Useless eaters.

    October 9, 2012 8:34 PM

    Speak for yourself, which I believe would be accurate.


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