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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Supreme Court Is Going To End Affirmative Action As We Know It

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday in one of the most politically charged cases of the term – a challenge to the University of Texas at Austin's affirmative action policy.
The Supreme Court last upheld affirmative action in 2003, ruling the University of Michigan could use race as one factor to achieve a "critical mass" of minorities necessary for a diverse student body.
But a lot has changed since Sandra Day O'Connor wrote that opinion, including her replacement by right-leaning Samuel Alito.


1 comment:

  1. Affirmative action is the black race admitting they are intellectually inferior and need a bell curve to compete.
    That is not equality.
    Judge everyone on the merit of their mind against the same criteria and then you will have equality.

    Oh yeah, shutter every black student union in the country!


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