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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Take the Lead

Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll today puts Romney ahead of President Obama   49% to 47% among nationwide voters.
Important to note, according to Rasmussen: approximately one-third of the data was collected beforeRomney's strong debate performance this past Wednesday. It looks like "[t]he margin of sampling error" for Rasmussen's daily tracking polls, however, falls at +/- 3 percentage points.
Still, the poll is good news for the GOP challenger.


  1. Funny. Last week when the polls were showing an Obama lead, the right wing media were saying that the polls were unfairly weighted and biased. Now when they show Romney a point ahead, it's all good news. In the end, it won't matter. No way Romney's going to win this election.

  2. Romney better win this election or this country is finished. It is unbelieveable that so many do not realize what has been done to us and what is planned to be done.

  3. Typical Liberal IQ 1109PM. Romney is now ahead and the Obammy backers can't stand it. They are running scared. Can't wait until Ryan tears up no nothing Biden this week at the debates. Should be another great debate.

  4. Why would Rasmussen call it a daily poll when it is normally a week old when it comes out? Seems kind of silly to me!

  5. I predict Romney will win by a landslide and put the lame stream media to shame.

  6. If Obama wins, pack your bags and head for the mountains. It won't be safe to live in highly populated areas when the government runs out of money to feed averyone.

  7. plus or minus 3 or 4 margin of error. polls report to keep you from going to vote.

  8. Maybe a loss will shut the loser up,unlike McCain and Palin in the last election.I voted for McCain,and sadly he lost,but he has'nt shut up about it for the last 4 years,and Palin is just as bad.There is no middle ground in the presidential election.Either you win or you lose.

  9. 11:09 the polls are "weighted and biased." The correct term is "sampling" which in a nutshell means the polls are based on the demographics of the previous election. If the exact same groups in the exact same numbers come out to vote is how they arrive at the poll numbers. Some are saying Romney is most likely even more ahead because it's probable that not so many dems will show up to vote and rep registration has increased as has rep request of absentee ballots which are critical in the swing states.

  10. "head for the mountains"?.."this country is finished"? oh do tell..you sound like a bunch of crybabies.

  11. 10:06, at least McCain is still a senator.

    Palin is nothing but a talking head now.

  12. 12:28 Palin's shrewd. She knew when to get out at the right time to cash in the most. She went from $125,000/yr governor's postion to an estimated net worth of around 16 million. She got $250,000 an episode (8 total) for the Discovery Channel reality show and approx a million a year as a Fox News commentator.

  13. I guess i need to run for president to solve my financials!

  14. 9:19
    Beats having a job. You should go for it.


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