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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Steve Hammond and Alice Bavic Lost Without Their Video

This is hilarious. I chose to turn on WBOC at 5 PM and as soon as they went live you could see the anger and frustration in Steve Hammonds face. He started off by saying they've had a major malfunction, OMG, we are completely out of video. SO WHAT!

Now they are stretching out the weather because I'm telling you, without a teleprompter and video these guys are so damn lost they ust don't know what to do.

Hey, I know, rather than acting like actors good at reading whatever is fed to you, actually try to get to KNOW what your going to be broadcasting and when and if something like this ever happens again you won't look like such idiots in a panic.

Man, this guy is stretching the weather for a good 10 minutes. By the way, with all due respect, now I know why these two hide behind a tall table. I'll just leave it at that. They just went to a commercial and said they'd come back to more helicopter footage. This is unreal. What a couple of spoiled crybabies.

Now I know some of you are going to give me a hard time for picking on these guys but seriously, you have to see what I'm watching to understand.They are truly lost and pissed.


  1. They didn't lose teleprompter, they lost the news stories. What do you expect them to do without the actual stories? It's like a football game with no football. I'd love to see what you'd do!

  2. By the way, with all due respect, now I know why these two hide behind a tall table.

    Are you trying to say they are overweight?

  3. Sorry, WBOC is terrible. I almost never watch TV at all.. when I do, they remind me of how bad it is. Even their web presence is several days behind. When major news breaks, they are reporting on the weather, or whatever the AP wire has. And of course, at noon, make sure you reserve 7 minutes for Mr. Food... joke.

  4. anonymous 5:27, that is exactly why they have a SCRIPT before they go live. Professionals READ it well in advance. They obviously did not.

  5. I read your site and still support you but come on man give em a break. Thats like you loosin your keyboard to type, youd be lost like they were! But you still got better news!!

  6. big bird and the girl,along with cleo greene,and brian,in the mornings are funny! poor ole brian and the girl don't have a clue about the eastern shore!and cleo greene won't hang around this circus much longer..and well..big bird is just big bird. i wish i could had fit stan stubblefield in there somewhere!

  7. They are mere reporters and haven't enough real journalistic experience to just "wing it."

    I'm sure Walter Cronkite had no script the day JFK was killed, yet he went on ALL day! Those two are no where near the level of a real journalist. Scabs on a festering wound.

  8. I never watch WBOC!!! They are horrible!!!

  9. what do u expect when u got a bunch of jackyls working for a jacklaid company. Craig Jahenka,he's as tight as a virgin coochy.You only get what u pay 4.i'll continue watching the real newsleaders wjz tv 13. seeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. I stopped watching when they let Jennifer Walker & Eileen Whalen go and kept the bobblehead Brian Keene. Then replaced them with the 80 year old ogres.

    Not to mention Jason Newton, Melanie Lawson & Weija Jiang. All 3 top notch reporters.

    I'm not as upset about Don Elkins or Dennis Ketterer, but they still better than the college kids they have now and I know alot of people did like them.

  11. Local TV news is absolutely atrocious - with or without a Teleprompter. Last Tuesday afternoon, when everything was hitting the fan with Sandy, I tuned-in - only to see the Dr. Phil show - and he certainly wasn't talking about the impending situation on DelMarVa. They didn't even have that "bug" on the screen alerting everyone of flooding or high winds. Unreal.
    Sadly, residents of this area are just used to sub-par reporting, because that's all we've seen over all these years.
    But what else would you expect from:
    1. A reporter that kept his Froggy 99 (or whatever) radio name when he became a serious morning anchor. "Jimmy Hoppa"? C'mon now! Is "Lily Pad" next?
    2. An amazingly cute - but still an airhead - co-anchor that has this off-putting and forced affectation of using her hands to make points. The best thing about Lacee is that when you're watching her over your morning coffee, there's no need to put any sugar in your cup.
    3. The other station's morning guy who really needs to slow it down just a bit. How about some decaf? While you're at it, go out and get a big-boy haircut. The prom's over. The suits are much better lately, tho'. He finally stopped dressing like he was an extra in Guys and Dolls.
    4. They FINALLY did something about that poor girl's hair on 47, and she obviously got the word on flashing the "big smile" as the go to breaks. It's still a bit forced, but gradually it should start to look natural.
    All this may sound a bit mean..but it's these type of things that keep our news reporting in the bush league.

  12. Eileen Whalen is now on News channel 8 over here in D.C.,i'm so glad we moved off the eastern shore...WBOC &WMDT BLOW WORST THAN WINDS FROM SANDY LOL.

  13. They really think they are local celebraties, working for near minimum wage. It's all about me me me and my pretty face on TV!

  14. WBOC has been going down hill for 10 years now, precisely when John Dearing took over as News Director in 2003. Before that it was always a small market tv station, but it had a lot of local involvement. Now it is just very poorly run. On a normal day, most of their news is canned from soem news service with the anchors voicing them. They don't do as many live shots as they once did. When they do go to a report the transition between anchor to reporter is just horrible (the audio and the clipping). They do have a couple good reporters but not as good as previous years. Steve Hammond is still a great anchor but Alice Bavis and Paul Butler are not that good. It really is a waste of time to watch unlese a major hurricane comes around. On another note, has anyone ever noticed how bad their audio is on Fox 21 compared to WBOC? It's missing a lot of audio and sounds horrible..

  15. I like Alice Bavic.


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