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Friday, October 19, 2012

Society As An Organic Body

Karl Marx, in his posthumously published work Grundrisse identified his view of
humanity very clearly. Humanity is an organic whole (or body). People aren't
individuals but the cells of this organic entity whose development and maturation
Marx tried to chronicle in his works.

When you have an organic body you are looking out for, if some part of this body is
faltering another part may need to be called upon or sacrificed so as to help mend
it. Just as with human beings sometimes a part of their bodies are utilized to fix
another part, so with humanity – or society, if that is all you have available to manipulate.

Mr. Obama was educated and raised as at least a crypto communist, someone who holds this Marxian view. As he expresses it now, "We are all in it together." We are like a hive or colony of tiny critters and so none of us can have any rights that give us the sphere of independence that an individualist view of society aims to establish and protect for each citizen.


1 comment:

  1. It is the Jewish People who are destined to rule over the people. Marx identified the need for Jewish Dominance, and rightly so. American Christians have accepted Israel's role as the authors of foreign policy. What is in Israel's interest is in America's interest.

    Therein lies the security problem. Muslims world-wide understand Israel's destiny and reject it. American Christians accept it.


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