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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


A social worker has taken the idea of “qualifying” for federal benefits to a new level by telling a resident of a HUD-subsidized building that she no longer had the right to free speech because of the government’s contributions to the building’s operations.
The attack on religious freedom came in a Minneapolis suburb, where Ruth Sweats told WND that she was told she has “no freedom of speech.”
Sweats told WND that she and a friend were sitting in a corner of the common area at the Osborne Apartments in Spring Lake Park, Minn., when she says the building social worker, Rachelle Henkle, “dramatically approached her with a raised voice” and said, “You can’t talk like that here!”

1 comment:

  1. This is what happens when we look to the government to solve all our problems. In the effort to be fair to everyone, somebody inevitably ends up offended.

    Here's an opportunity for someone to provide housing for seniors that is paid for privately and allows likeminded people to share housing costs.


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