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Sunday, October 07, 2012

Sobhani becomes surprise contender by pouring millions into sleepy U.S. Senate race

The U.S. Senate campaign in Maryland was plodding along quietly this fall. Democrat Ben Cardin, the incumbent liberal seeking a second term, was blithely fending off upstart conservative Republican Dan Bongino, a political novice who left a career in the Secret Service to try to end Cardin’s 46-year career in elected office.

Suddenly in September, independent Rob Sobhani began popping up on TV screens across Maryland. He talked directly to voters about his plans to create thousands of jobs with billions in private investment and he was spending millions of his own money to get his message out.



  1. He's in it for one thing $$$

  2. Actually he probably has plenty of untraceable prepaid card contributions to buy ads so he isn't spending his money. Probably set up by a super pac to dilute Bongino vote Anyone remember Ross Perot? same thing here in MD to ensure Cardin Win.

  3. Vote for Dan Bongino. Don't let this oil sheik caddy for Cardin!

  4. I really like Rob, but I'm disappointed that he is running against Bongino. This will ensure a Cardin win....not like he didn't already have it in the bag! This is MARYLAND, of course.

  5. A setup to ensure a Cardin win

  6. Doesn't matter who is running. The Baltimorans are going to vote Dem and carry the state.

  7. Rob Sobhani running for Senate kind of reminds me of the last Maryland Governors election between Ehrlich and O'Malley.

    If Ehrlich had won - Maryland citizens lose - and O'Malley winning - Maryland citizens still lose.

    A fee is synonyomous with a tax irregardless of Ehrlich's contention.

  8. 12:21
    Before you call someone a MORON make sure you spell it correctly or you look like a Delmoron.

  9. Is Rob a moron. He must not be to get set up to dilute votes. Wonder who his DNC handler is?

  10. These comments make my brain hurt. Cardin is paying Sobhani to run ? Cardin is paying +$2 million to split the Republican vote which never had a chance of winning ? Let me guess Obama is a Muslim and we never landed on the moon ? Idiots.

  11. Thank you, 330! you nailed it! Nobody else can see this unless they actually LOOK!



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