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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Insider reveals internal polls, luxury Hawaii estate ready for January

Are Obama insiders secretly making retirement plans for the Obamas with the expectation the president will lose his bid for re-election in November?

Very quietly, Obama’s chief financier, Penny Pritzker, has entered the Hawaii housing market to buy a retirement home for the president and his family that will be available not in 2016, but in January 2013, according to a confidential source within Pritzker’s Chicago organization

Pritzker, a wealthy Chicago business executive and heiress to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, served as national finance chairman for Obama’s 2008 campaign and is the co-chairman of his 2012 effort.

The source told WND that highly confidential internal polls conducted by the Obama campaign indicate Obama cannot win re-election, despite public surveys that show him in the lead.

“The public polls are mostly political,” the source argued. “Obama radicals want Romney supporters to feel discouraged and give up. Truth is that Romney’s winning.”



  1. AT this point in the election game polling is being conducted everyday. What's interesting is for the past 7 days Obama is stuck in some degree of 47% (47.1, 47.2, etc.) and Romney continues to gain. 47%? Does that ring a bell? Either Romney is prophetic or brilliant.

  2. Can we get a retraction on all this crap the day after Obama wins?

  3. I would be willing to contribute cash to Obamas retirement fund ,it would be the best investment I ever made.

    1. The American people have already contributed to his retirement fun in the way of Michelle's outfits that she has bought at the taxpayers dime Call staying up or just over 1,000,000 dollars

  4. You have already contributed cash to his retirement and his kids college education. I say give him a flight to California and a row boat to Hawaii. They don't want his ilk over there either.

  5. Look at the freeloaders predicting (praying, scamming) for Obama's win.

  6. 11:06-I guarantee that if that happens you won't hear a peep out of them.

  7. ROMNEY-RYAN in NovemberOctober 25, 2012 at 4:37 PM

    The Country has awoken as when Pearl Harbor was bombed.

    Obama is toast in November as he knows it. That is why they are planning an exit stage.


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