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Monday, October 29, 2012

Salisbury News Breaks 100,000 Hits In One Day And It's Only 6:30 PM

Say what you want about Salisbury News, believe the local MSM surpasses us daily, (if you like). However, when it comes to Breaking News, ALL of the Eastern Shore depends on Salisbury News.

One thing I can assure you of is, WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times will look at this Post and say, Holy Crap, this guy is for real. Of course they'll go to their sources to check to confirm what I'm publishing and when they find out we're for real they'll think, uh oh, we're in trouble.

The Eastern Shore knows who Delmarva's News Leader really is and it certainly isn't them. The power of suggestion is just that, a suggestion.

Am I boasting, absolutely. We have worked tirelessly for almost 8 years now starting from scratch with less than a hand full of people. We have competed with the local MSM with hundreds on their staff.

People want their news in real time. They want the truth and they are proving they no longer want to pay for two or three day old news that isn't accurate anyway.

We want to thank ALL of you for visiting Salisbury News. Time to go back to work.


  1. I am having people call me from all over and asking where I am getting all of this storm information - and I just tell them to go to www.SBYnews.com. People from Worcester, Somerset, Sussex and as far away as Vail, Colorado.

    The reporting is absolutely phenomenal.

  2. Better than the Weather Channel!! Awesome coverage Joe!!

  3. UNBELIEVABLE! Truly incredible coverage.

  4. thanks for the gr8 job. keep up the good work.

  5. Darn and I was hoping I was it!

  6. JT and JB are crapping in their pants.

  7. You won't be needing the media for your run for mayor. This is too funny. Great work Joe.

  8. Doing a great job with this storm coverage - so many amazing pics!

    Now, just keep the biased political posts out of the way, and we'll be golden ;)

    But for real, this storm coverage is the tops - I've checked like 12 times today and have always seen something new.

  9. Where else would we go to get the news? There's certainly nothing at the other 3!

  10. All local MSM is sucks there reporters do no report the best place to get up to date info is right here on Joes site, Thank you Joe.

  11. While checking the local blogs and the MSM, I was watching the BALTIMORE CHANNELS...while the local stations carried game shows and soaps...smh. They did a decent job...as did you...local MSM...bite me.

  12. Joe great job your r the only reliable news source I've told three other families to check your site!!!

  13. i have people all over the country checking this blog for the latest news. they know us and i gave them your address. they are very grateful and have made comments to us regarding this great blog site.

    thanks again for all your hard work.


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