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Monday, October 22, 2012

Salisbury City Council Breaks Record

With Council President Terry Cohen and Councilwoman Laura Mitchell absent from tonight's meeting, the Council was able to push through their agenda in just over 30 minutes.

Because there wasn't a quorum, a few items on the agenda had to be removed. Council Vice President Debbie Campbell conducted the meeting and quite frankly it was extremely pleasant to watch. Debbie was very complimentary towards the other Council Members during the meeting and there was absolutely no bickering whatsoever.

You see Folks, things are turning around.


  1. This is the reason OC Government has been failing. All their votes are 4-3. There is NO consensus or an attempt to gain one. Only 4 people mind you are in control. The OC Council used to get 9-1 (or whatever) votes because the effort was on consensus rather than a special interest that the majority was paid to vote for.

  2. They had a quorum, Joe. Just not enough votes to do those budget items. They take 4.

    Debbie Campbell is always the professional. Every meeting with Mitchell absent has gone smoothly, when Cohen is there, too. That is your common factor.

  3. It was a good meeting with good results and everyone treated everyone else with respect. I liked it. I am confident that if there had been a issue where there was disagreement that it would have been handled professionally as well. Without Mitchell, no one was grandstanding or calling names for the sake of cheap political points.

  4. Mitchell is arrogant and her behavior is ugly. She ran on a platform of civility. Go figure.

  5. It was refreshing not to hear any of Mitchell's snotty cheap shots.

  6. Mitchell has been absent from a few meetings lately. The council gets work done when she's gone. People are nice when she's gone. Hmmmmmmmm.

  7. The mayor kept his comments to himself, too.

  8. He must be on Prozac!


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