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Monday, October 22, 2012

Romney Gains On Obama On Foreign-Policy Issues, In Time For Next Debate

Americans have a much-improved view of Mitt Romney's foreign-policy positions, but Obama still has the edge on which candidate would better handle international matters, a new poll shows. Monday's presidential debate is on foreign policy and national security.

The US electorate has for months given President Obama the nod over rival Mitt Romney on handling of foreign policy, but public perceptions of Mr. Romney’s positions on international issues have recently improved – just in time for Monday night’s debate focused on foreign policy and national security.

Americans have turned increasingly negative toward China and its trade policies and have shifted in favor of a tougher approach toward Iran over the past year, according to a new Pew Research Center poll. The public's growing preference for a tougher stance toward China and Iran seems to be in sync with Romney’s harsh talk on the campaign trail about the two countries – and helps explain why he’s likely to showcase that toughness in Monday’s debate.


1 comment:

  1. And we have a president who has shown more favor to communist country leaders than our top ally in the Middle East, Israel. Obama says a lot but rarely follows through with what he says. Beware, America! Our freedom is slipping away. Check out the latest list of visitors to the White House over the past four years. Many with ties to radical Muslim extremist groups. Remember Obama's apologetic tour of foreign countries after he took office? And let's not forget his failure to give the order to blow up that drone that was brought down in Iran. And now the Dems are trying to make it difficult for military personnel to cast their votes before deadlines because they know many in our armed forces oppose their views and policies to successfully protect our nation.


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