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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Review: Green Car Obama Gave $193M Might Not Be ‘Good Enough To Buy’

Mitt Romney can update his criticism of President Obama’s green car subsidies, made in the first presidential debate, to reflect new concerns that one of the most expensive green cars might not be “good enough to buy.”
President Obama’s Energy Department awarded Fisker Automotive, a company headquartered in California that builds cars at a factory in Finland, a $529 million loan guarantee to produce the Fisker Karma.
“Is the Karma good enough to buy (so Fisker can repay taxpayers)?”Extreme Tech asks in a hands-on review of the Fisker Karma, which costs $102,000. “Bottom line: The Fisker Karma is a pretty much a Chevrolet Volt in a better wrapper. Just multiply the wow factor, handling, and cost by a factor of three . . . [T]his is one car that will turn a lot of heads. Whether that’s worth $100,000 is less certain.”


  1. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Buy a car for $25,000.00 more than I can buy a perfectly livable house and property for? REALLY? Real estate of 1200 sf 3-2 is $100k top dollar. Costs $200k to build the same. you want to shove a vehicle that may last 5 years up my wazoo for what?

    Dream on, Bozo!

  2. That ain't the whole story. Obama loaned Fisker Karma - $529 million so that they could build the cars for the A123 battery. And Obama backed that one to - to the tune of $249 million US dollars. So far A123 has received 132 million of the $249 million dollar grant - right up until it filed for bankruptcy this past Tuesday.

  3. He has no idea how to budget and make ends meet. Money is given to him, and he just takes it. He lives in a fantasy world, and we support it.

  4. Obama gives millions of dollars to a California company for building cars overseas? What a hypocrite!!! He can say nothing to Romney for investing in overseas companies; done by his investing firm, actually. Obama's doing the same, only he's using taxpayers' money!


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