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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Trey Gowdy, an outspoken Republican congressman from South Carolina, blasted Obama administration officials during Wednesday’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Libya U.S. Consulate terrorist attack, raising his voice to levels rarely heard on the House floor.
Gowdy went after both U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney for providing “demonstrably false” statements about the attack, not just to Congress, but to the American people as well. He slammed the Obama administration for initially saying the attack was in response to a video and not an act of terrorism, delivering a blistering and impassioned critique of the White House’s handling of the incident.


  1. Joe...please leave this up tomorrow. This is a big deal...just go watch the video. Everyone needs to see this. The debate next week will be very interesting. Thanks...

  2. Thanks for posting this. I'm still watching the congress on the videos.

    I'm mad as hell!

    Just as much or more than Mr. Trey Gowdy. I said we were lied to. Now Mr. Gowdy has told congress, this country, and the world.

    If Obama wins re-election we should all hang our head in shame.

    Four people were MURDERED by terrorists. Obama, Rice, Clinton and others said it was because of a video. A video btw that was first aired months before this event.

    They asked, repeatedly, for more security. They were denied, repeatedly.

    Now they are dead.

    I am sure I am not the only one outraged at this whole affair. And I also believe that the foolishness going on, for such a long time, is time to stop.

    We need LEADERS. Not just in the White House, but in other areas as well. The election is almost upon us. Shortly we can effect change, if it's only in the White House for now.

    We can start at the top and work our way down and put some people in office who will do what WE say and what WE want. If they don't, they are out. Plain and simple.

    I am tired of being afraid of our government. I am tired of being afraid of our law enforcement. I am especially tired of being disrespected around the world.

    'THEY' kill our people. OUR OWN PRESIDENT lies and covers it up!!!

    I am just so mad and sick of D.C. right now I have to stop typing or the F.B.I. or some other agency will be knocking down my door.

    And that's another subject that needs addressing, at a later time.

  3. Recent documents unearth in Benghazi tell a story of an even greater sin committed by the Obama administration than incompetence. These newly discovered documents suggest that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi on a mission to track and confiscate weapons that the administration had put in the hands of Al Queda when they thought they were arming the Libyan rebels. If it was discovered that the Obama administration had armed Al Queda, it would have been a double whammy for the White House. First, it would have completely destroyed the narrative advanced by the administration that Al Queda had been neutered with the death of Osama Bin Laden. And secondly, the specter of an administration that is so feckless as to arm our enemies, is not the impression you want the American people to have in their minds as they go to the voting booth in November.


  4. What is a larger shame is that we waited a full 4 weeks before going back in there to take back the compound and collect evidence. Instead, we let all the evidence disappear into the hands of terrorists, VISITED the compound FOR A MERE 12 HOURS, and then LEFT IT BACK IN THE HANDS OF THE TERRORISTS!

    Where it remains today.

    And the terrorists see this weakness and have their eyes on the next targets!

    Get this administration OUT OF OFFICE NOW!

  5. Hey 11:43
    If obama wins the election you won't have to hang your head in shame , but you will need to prepare for civil war. It's a commin , who ever gets elected.
    If Romney wins the blacks will burn the cities , if obamie wins , underground warfare with the government will start.
    The white people are so afraid they piss their pants just thinking about it. Obamie has em by the grapes.

  6. There are so many facets to this story. The administration planned on using "the movie" to limit free speech in the media so they made up a story to show us how badly free speech can hurt us. That is the next step to total government control in their quest for socialism. So they lied to congress and the American people. The scary thing is that they really and truly think they are saving us and are doing the right thing.

  7. The Obama administration is a joke. The main responsibility of the government is to protect it's people. When they start lying they can never be trusted again. They need to go.

  8. ummm, because youre in politics and thats par for the course buddy.


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