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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rep. Moran’s Son Resigns From Campaign After Voter Fraud Undercover Video

The son of Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., has resigned from his father's campaign after a conservative group released an undercover video in which he discussed a plan to cast fraudulent ballots.
Patrick Moran, who had been a field director for the campaign, released a brief resignation statement Wednesday:


  1. Jim Moron needs to resign right now! The buck stops there. Or, does he subscribe to the NObama policy of blaming others (this time his own son) or throwing people under the bus?????

  2. And the main stream media is where?
    Democrats will lie, cheat and steal to destroy America.
    They have no integrity whatsoever.
    This proves the desperation.

    This is your party Democrats!!
    How proud are you???

  3. It's okay, he's a democrat. Move along, nothing to see here.

  4. This is their only strategy, since they cannot run on their records of meeting the needs of the voters! Lie, cheat, steal, and voter fraud. It's the only way to win for them!

  5. He must have been hanging out with Maryland Democrat Wendy Rosen. Hey, vote early and often!
    Another one bites the dust...

  6. moran has always been a sleeze. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

  7. Jeez...this kind of crap goes on and then we cry and moan when the UN decides to monitor our elections. It's embarassing that we can't act like honest adults. We've shown our behinds to the world.


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