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Monday, October 22, 2012

Redistrict Puts Bartlett's House Seat In Play

CLARKSBURG, Md. - Maryland's ruling Democrats had a plan to oust 10-term Republican U.S. Rep. Roscoe Bartlett. They redrew his mostly rural district to include about 300,000 voters in Democrat-heavy Montgomery County and endorsed state Senate Majority Leader Rob Garagiola to succeed him.

Even though Garagiola failed to win his party's nomination, the numbers in the new district still favor the man who did: politically moderate banking entrepreneur John Delaney of Potomac.

Now the 86-year-old incumbent must persuade independent and crossover voters in the Washington suburbs that he is more of a centrist than his 92 percent rating from the American Conservative Union suggests. Meanwhile, the better-financed Delaney, 49, has been running a brisk schedule of events on his home turf.


1 comment:

  1. at 86 he should be gone. he's been around about 15 years too many. and this is just another way for the dems in the blat-wash corridor to control the state.


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