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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Record Number Of Gays Seeking Seats In Congress

Of the four openly gay members of Congress, the two longest-serving stalwarts are vacating their seats. Instead of fretting, their activist admirers are excited about a record number of gays vying to win seats in the next Congress - and to make history in the process.
When the oaths of office are taken in January, Congress could have its first openly gay Asian-American, Mark Takano of California; its first openly bisexual member, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona; and its first openly gay senator, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/10/02/3030843/record-number-of-gays-seeking.html#storylink=cpy


  1. You cannot get into the FBI or Secret Service and for that matter you will not get high level security clearance...why you ask...gays are not stable.

  2. This way when you say "Congress Sucks" you will be telling the truth!

  3. 6:39. You really need to check your facts and catch up to the present. None of that is true this is not 1950.

  4. Sadly, 10:45 is correct. This is not the 1950's. we no longer have common sense or decency. Amerika sucks!

  5. 6:39: You must not get out much. I'm sure this may be a complete shock to you, but many gays, work in US intelligence. They are statistically better educated. Perhaps if you pull your head from your ass, you could be respectful to the gay men and women who serve in anti-terrorism, the military or in intelligence before making such a ludicrous and baseless claim about stability. Perhaps, it's you that is not stable.

  6. that explains all the gay rights bills and all the attention on gay rights

  7. That explains all the gay bullshit we all have to put up with.


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