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Friday, October 05, 2012

Reality Check


  1. 4 more years! 4 more years! NOT!!!

  2. Bush lowered gas prices, obama continues to raise them. The obama admin is saying even $10 a gallon gas prices won't convince them to allow expanded off shore drilling. (ken salazar Sec of Interior)
    Obama's sure for the middle class ain't he? These are the people who are being affected the most by these high prices.

  3. On another topic- have you seen where the daily times has started charging to view their website and are adding 5 bucks a month to their subscriptions for internet access to it?

  4. Why does Obama continue to raise gas prices? Doesn't he know this could cost him the election?

  5. Its all because the gestapo EPA and its regs so the oil companies take it out on us.

  6. 12:12 - Where were you when NObama said - and I quote - "under my plan energy prices WILL NECESSARILY SKYROCKET".

    Geesh people - get the blinders off.

  7. When gas prices soared during Bush's term, you all kept saying "the president doesn't control gas prices", but now, you claim it's the president's fault.
    Really? Are we having it both ways AGAIN?

  8. his way of putting us on lock down!

  9. Agree with 2:43. Price of gas was over $4 per gallon and it was understood that this was out of bushs control. Why the drama now?

  10. 2:43-WTH Bush lowered gas prices! Where have you been?

  11. Where can you buy one of those gas pumps you fill it up with corn and you get gas?

  12. Come on folks you aren't this stupid!

    Obama's BOSSES have raised gasoline prices.

    Dubya'ss BOSSES raised gasoline prices.

    Slick Willie's BOSSES raised gasoline prices.

  13. Umm tell me when President Obama gained control of oil companies? That's right, he DIDN'T. Stop being so ridiculously ignorant. Oil companies manipulate prices because they can. It's called capitalism. There's high demand and therefore they can charge whatever they want because they can. Buy some oil stock to take the pain away and educate yourselves.

  14. Break out your Prayer RugOctober 5, 2012 at 6:46 PM

    We are building Muslim Mosques with the high gas prices for Obama.


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