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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Open Forum On Vice Presidential Debate Tonight

Voice your thoughts and opinion on tonight's debate.


  1. Will they be able to use the teleprompter? lol

  2. Comedy Central with Uncle Joe. LOL

  3. What are the papers in front of their seats?(watching span)

  4. popcorn ready! (and 24 oz sodas!!)

  5. Did you see it?? Huh?? Yep Bidens nose has already grown an inch.

  6. "Let's all calm down a bit here" ~Biden

    WTF! No! Don't calm down!

  7. Someone needs to gag Biden. I getting tired of him interrupting when someone is speaking. Didn't his mother teach him that it is RUDE to do that?

  8. Biden's fake grin when Ryan talks is getting boring...

    If I hear one more time that Iran doesn't have a weapon to put their nuclear science in to, I'll choke laughing! All you need is a big can with fins, Bozo!

  9. I can't stand the goofy grimacing of Biden and the exagerated gestures.

  10. Yeah Ryan. Tell them. People need to be more self sufficient.

  11. Okay, the fake laughs are really irritating. Mostly because they are not in reaction to any specific statement, they are just happening randomly... Watch!

  12. Biden's getting ready to.....Blame Bush!!!

  13. Biden is his normal self - an arrogant ass.

  14. Obama and Biden deserve each other, but we sure don't.

  15. Biden is unbearable, like always.

  16. Wow - Ryan just called Biden an asshole (in so many words)!

  17. Laugher needs to quit butting in.

    Good thing Ryan is keeping in there...

  18. I quit watching: Can't stand Bidens teeth whiten grin and his lying

  19. Biden is losing and grabbing at straws. That stupid grin and interrupting is all ha has.

  20. loving Ryan's dimples while he waits for Biden's mouth to stop running!

  21. I went to get peanuts...

  22. 50 minutes in, and Biden can't shut up long enough for Ryan to answer a question. He's desperate. He's rude. He's phony.
    He's a loser.

  23. Martha Raddatz is a buffoon.

  24. 9:23 i so agree. that's exactly what i just told my husband. Biden can't shut it. Fake grin is making me sick too. Thank God I have wine to have to listen to Old Biddy Biden.

  25. Biden is delusional. Lie like the riddler...

    Ryan is too polite and the moderator has no control of Bidens interruptions.

  26. From Karl Rove:

    Just received this email from Chris Jacobs, Senior Policy Analyst, Joint Economic Committee, Senate Republican Staff, which is worth noting: Vice President Biden just claimed that Obamacare’s $716 billion in Medicare spending reductions strengthened the Medicare program. That’s not what the Congressional Budget Office said. The non-partisan CBO said that the Medicare reductions in Obamacare “will not enhance the ability of the government to pay for future Medicare benefits” – because those savings will be used to fund other unsustainable entitlements. If the President wants to use the Medicare savings provisions to extend the life of the Medicare trust fund – and not to fund the new entitlements created by the law – the Congressional Budget Office previously estimated what the fiscal impact would be: “A net increase in federal deficits of $260 billion” through 2019. Even President Obama himself admitted this irrefutable logic in a 2010 interview, when he stated that “You can’t say that you are saving on Medicare and then spending the money twice.”

  27. biden is a rude assinine SOB. He's making it impossible for people to learn anything by his constant interuptions.

  28. If you believe life begins at conception "in your personal life" and don't advocate for that life in your public life then you're a coward!

  29. Ryan's poised and biden's just claimed (lied) that he voted against Iraq and Afghan wars-WTH!

  30. More K Rove-

    Biden just said no Catholic institution has to pay for contraception coverage? What planet does he live on???

  31. Biden contradicts State Dept on Benghazi security

  32. "DickMorrisTweet #debates My view is that the debate will not have a big impact on the race which is a shame. had Ryan been better, he could have done more"

  33. Joe Biden was very disrespectful and rude. Martha allowed too much interruptions.

  34. I cant believe anyone would think Biden "won" this debate. It was not even a debate as Biden interrupted Ryan every minute of the way and the liberal moderator did not do her part. Why don't they get a moderator who is non biased, who has some intelligence and for sure more attractive than the one this evening. They need a Rush Limbaugh moderator and he would have put Biden in his place with all his RUDE interruptions, facial expressions, white false teeth....a loser in my opinion.

  35. biden is an idiot, always has been always will be. Next up? his idiot son, who padded his resume as a jag officer stationed in the rear with the gear to make it look like he actually did something during the war!
    Damn shame americans are this stupid to vote for imbeciles like this!

  36. I agree with Morris. No one won this debate. I believe the left will side with the left, the right will side with the right, and the center that was undecided will still be undecided.

  37. I agree with Morris also but I place the blame directly on Biden. At first you could brush off his rudeness as Biden being Biden but after it kept up continuously (smirking/interrupting) it became very distracting to the viewers.

  38. Biden=Obnoxious politician
    Ryan=Diplomatic statesman

  39. Go figure someone such as 837AM comment. The only win Biden got last night was for the highest number of interruptions and smirks! Along with being the most rude and obnoxious!

  40. 8:37
    Biden wins! baffoon of the year award!
    Finish your sentence...

  41. Why 8:37? Tell us. All I saw was beside the immediate lie he told about Liyba and the lies that continued-he didn't support Afghan War nor Irag when in fact he voted for both resolutions, he lied about heathcare law and contraception.
    The lying put aside why would any person brought up with any amount of decency think he won. His interupting and smirking and snickering shows a total lack of upbringing and is very low class ghetto type of behaviour.

  42. "false teeth"-LOL 12:15. His teeth are a riot. He looked like a goofy SOB with the poor denture job.
    I've seen and heard his wife speak. All I could think of after watching him last night with that goofy demeanor he was exhibiting was his wife also has the goofy thing going.
    They are the kind of people who think when you laugh you are laughing with them when in fact you are laughing at them.

  43. Couldn't stand to watch more than 45 minutes of it. Got tired of Biden's interruptions and idiotic grins. Vote Romney/Ryan!


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