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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Official Proposes Bullet Tax To Curb Chicago Crime

CHICAGO (AP) — As Chicago struggles to quell gang violence that has contributed to a jump in homicides, a top elected official wants to tax the sale of every bullet and firearm — an effort that has national gun-rights advocates already considering a legal challenge.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle submitted a proposed budget on Thursday that would impose a tax of a nickel for each bullet and $25 for each firearm sold in the nation's second-largest county, which encompasses Chicago.

Preckwinkle's office estimates the tax will generate about $1 million a year, money that would be used for various county services including medical care for gunshot victims. Law enforcement officials would not have to pay the tax, but the office said it would apply to 40 federally licensed gun dealers in the county.

Through last week, the city reported 409 homicides this year compared to 324 during the same period in 2011. Although the violence still doesn't approach the nearly 900 homicides a year Chicago averaged in the 1990s, officials say gang activity was largely to blame for a rash of shootings earlier this year.


  1. This is too deep rooted to repair quickly.10 years maybe,20 most likely.

  2. Thugs don't pay taxes...

  3. this is the way the democrats plan on disarming all of us!

  4. and crime will multiply again when Obama returns to his 'hometown'.

  5. Oh yeah... I can see the Latin Kings really worried now. They steal THEIR guns and can have their gang connections bring bullets in from CALIFORNIA. Its ONLY the honest taxpayer that this will hurt, but THAT is the modus operandi for democrats. Give to those who've never EARNED a thing in their lives and TAKE from taxpayers. Bet a dollar that Preckwinkle (is that an "i" or an "e"?) lives in a gated community and has an alarm system with the police on speed dial. And, unlike inner city residents and the rest of the serfs, the police actually RESPOND when HE calls them.


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