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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Occupy Wall Street and The Tea Party Are Upset About The Same Thing.One Picture


  1. This is what I've been telling everyone here all along. Large corporations are ruining small business. It's the lrg corps that lobby for regulation, higher fees/permitting etc. It is their way to skirt anti trust laws. They pretend to be offended when more regulation is passed but that's BS.
    Everything that is "bad" for the environment has been dreamed up by lrg corps. For example like Freon. Lrg corps like GE were losing a ton of money due to all the independant repairman out fixing AC's and refrigerators. So they dreamed up Freon is dangerous so you have to be certified (or whatever they call it) to handle it. The cost of this "certification" is cost prohibited for the average Joe Repairman to handle so Joe has no choice but to either find another line of work or go under contract as a repairman w/GE who then takes a slice out of Joe's pie and keep it for themselves.

  2. 8:56, I've been saying the same thing too. For the amount of money that bailed out the banks, every homeowner could have been saved. Every small business could have been helped. Instead, the companies that hurt both got helped!

    Why these two sides can't come together and work on the same thing is beyond me.

    The only winner is the Large Corporations!

  3. 9:51 And this is why I like Romney. He can not be controlled. He even lambasted the banks that were too big to fail. These are the same banks that have donated to his campaign. He can not be bought-he is the "I'm in charge" type of personality. His pockets are already full so he's not motivated by dollar signs.
    His motivation now is centered on "I see a problem and I'm going to fix it." He wants the admiration. People would be foolish to not vote for Romney. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth. We have never had such an accomplished results driven person ever run for the presidency.

  4. 10:17
    You are crazy! The Mittance is a Mormon. Wake up. That is the definition of the 1%


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