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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Obama Spent 5 Times More on Parties Than Bush

In 2010, Obama threw a 1 million dollar dinner for Mexico’s president. Others dinners for Chinese leader Hu Jintao, the owner of Obama’s debt, UK Prime Minister Cameron and India’s Prime Minister were all in the half-a-million dollars.
Were these normally expenditures? Not even close according to the man who ran presidential operations for the White House for 21 years, from Reagan until Bush.


  1. Once on the teat, always on the teat.

  2. Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the obamas party, same difference. i doubt they'll have as many parties next year when they have to pay for it themselves...

  3. No one would probably mind so much if he actually did his job as president. Missing 60% of his daily security briefings is unacceptable and he hasn't met with his jobs council in almost a year. He's got an entitlement mentality and it shows.

  4. They may as well cancel their party plans for a party NOV. 7, he's toast!

  5. Give the man some credit..., afterall, he WAS "creating Jobs".


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