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Thursday, October 04, 2012

Obama Assails ‘Real’ Romney’s Debate Claims

In his first appearance since his widely panned debate performance, President Obama Thursday accused Republican nominee Mitt Romney of deceiving voters in the rivals’ first face-off of the campaign Wednesday night.
“When I got onto the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney,” Mr. Obama told supporters at a rally in Denver. “But it couldn’t have been Mitt Romney, because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy.  The fellow on the stage last night said he didn’t know anything about that.”
The president didn’t refer to his own debate performance, which was criticized from the right and left as unfocused, stumbling and passionless. Instant polls showed that most viewers felt Mr. Romney won the debate by a significant margin.


  1. Oh no. It wasn't Obama who lost the debate, It was all George Bushes fault. Now its Romney's fault.

  2. He sounds like a broken record. He has nothing to say except repeat the same old tired lies.

  3. The altitude's to blame also 8:20-LOL.

  4. A bit off topic but does everyone know that over 1000 multi millionaires and billionaires have renounced their US citizenship since 2008? Record numbers in
    2011. One was Clinton buddy Denise Rich. Another was one of the Facebook founders. They are doing this to save paying high taxes. Now Biden is saying just today they want to raise the taxes more on the wealthy. It makes no sense. They's all just renounce and then we'll get nothing.

  5. I hope you people realize that Obama will easily win the reelection.

    1. Thanks for another lame predictions, Nostradamus. How much money would you like to bet on that? Regardless of who wins, we will still excecise our right to free speech. Just say NO-BAMA 2012

  6. 9:39
    He may win, but I don't have to like it!

  7. Alex has graduated from Obama koolaid to crack.
    Do you really want this guy as your president? With all his failures, excuses, LIES, demonizations of decent respectful people that work hard and earn good money? The largest tax increase in history? On the middle class? Do you really believe your tax dollars should be used to feed criminal aliens? A man that will deliberately berate someone for being wealthy to create envy and class hatred??
    How many Obama phones do you have?

  8. Stratergy I say.......


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