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Monday, October 01, 2012

Obama Administration Held Dozens Of Meetings On Food Stamps With Mexican Officials

The Obama administration met with Mexican officials and held other events to discuss enrollment in food stamps and similar programs roughly 30 times since President Obama took office, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack revealed in a recent letter to Congress. 
They were among 151 documented meetings and events held since 2004, when the United States and Mexico first started partnering on food-stamp awareness. That partnership, though, has raised alarm with Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who is concerned the collaboration amounts to a vehicle for the USDA to pressure people onto the food-stamp rolls -- in this case, noncitizen immigrants from Mexico. 
Vilsack released the information in response to Sessions’ request this summer for more details about the U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Nutrition Assistance initiative, which educates Mexican immigrants about food stamps and other assistance.


  1. It's bad enough the Government FORCES us to feed clothe and shelter 50 million+ scofflaws and deadbeats.
    Now we have to feed criminal aliens that violate the sovereignty of our Nation?
    I believe we should put snipers every 500 yards along the border but it would get very boring for them after the first week. The illegal border crossings would diminish quickly.
    Problem solved.
    America for Americans now. No more Illegal entry. Legal immigration welcome. (except for Islamists that want sharia law in America)

  2. Not "the" government but "this" government 9:40. Prez Eye Candy was put over the edge to win by these scofflaws, deadbeats, criminals and the other sponges of society and moochers. Prez Eye Candy is Johnny of the Spot when it comes to these spongers but is an Empty Chair when it comes to things like national security.

  3. LOL, more of the bogus Obama blame game. Too funny.

    Guess you skipped over the fact that these meetings have been going on since 2004. And 80% happened before Obama came into office. So maybe the headline should read "Bush give foodstamps to mexicans" or something. Not trying to bash, just want to ensure we're being accurate here.

  4. 9:24....cite your source for the "since 2004." And if true, how many meetings were held? There would be a BIG difference in Bush taking a BITE of the pie and obama eating the whole thing at once. Never mind. Just keep blaming bush. If we are lucky, we'll get to hear Romney blame obama for 4 straight years. that would be okay, right? You know, being PRESIDENT but never taking responsibility for anything for FOUR YEARS!? I'm was so happy to see REAGAN just grab the office and do the job, and HE "inherited" 20% mortgage rates! obama's reign of vacuous charisma, empty promises, and deflections will hopefully end very soon...


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