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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Md. Municipalities Seek More Road Funds

Maryland cities and towns are pushing for more state money for road work and policing.
Maryland Municipal League members heard the recommendations of their legislative committee Friday at the group's fall meeting in Hagerstown.
Greenbelt Mayor Judith Davis is the group's president. She says the league's top priority is full restoration of shared state revenue for local road work and local law enforcement.


  1. transportation funds have been raided just like the feds raided our social security. Well, that money is just "sitting there", doing nothing...

  2. How about some suggestions from the audience on how local government should go about beginning the realism that the HUR funding is gone. What are the taxpayers thoughts on how we need to begin (notice I said begin...because local governments are not appropriating dollars to their highway department that are needed for maintenance. Whay do you people think that we should do to raise the money to maintain the roads that we depend on? Joe...this would make a good question for the day.


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