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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Maryland Gambling Issue Has Netted $56 Million From Companies For Ad Blitz

Dueling out-of-state gambling companies and their allies have poured $56 million into the fight over whether to allow a Las Vegas-style casino in Prince George’s County, fueling an unprecedented advertising blitz in what has become one of the most visible races in the region.
The money, which is being shelled out at a rate of $6 million a week, exceeds what the candidates spent in Maryland’s past two gubernatorial races combined. With two weeks to go, the spending has already eclipsed that of all but a handful of other recent ballot measures across the country. And it is unlike anything previously seen in Maryland politics.

1 comment:

  1. And the wording of the question on the ballot is not in legal or enforcible form? Then why ask? Vote no, it's a scam somehow that Omalley invented. It's garbage, and should be treated as such. there's stuff in there that does something else.


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