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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Look What We Found


  1. 25% is an optomistic number. Oblama is making up numbers from current unemployment claims, which ignore folks like me who are out of benefits, have found no one is hiring, and is doing odd jobs for cash or got licensed up and taking on a very few small jobs at great expense. We are dying out here and losing our homes, and Obama just doesn't see this picture. He needs us to go to the government trough and vote for him.

    Unempolyment among those who want to work is at least 25%. The number of people still unemployed and no longer being kept track of makes this 7.8% number totally imaginary.

    We are sucking at new jobs, and it is n ot our fault.

  2. They are seasonal jobs and not long term jobs.

  3. BLS top people donated $2000 and $9000 to Obama's campaign.

  4. 5:30, you are ecactly right. Everybody is trying amd there is little out there. We who are trying are not in the "numbers? game because our benefits ran out. Now w wre supposedly in a category of "not actively persuing" employment or some such BS.
    What is real is that we are all still trying to work at odd jobs.

    For example, I bought a house at 130k, It's now worth 75k. If I were to buy the lot and build a house on it, it would cost me 150k minimum.

    If I were to add an addition to it to add value to the house, would it happen? NO.The house and lot would be a larger tax burden, and never pay for the adddition.

    You would still have a 130 k house and going down.

    This is why folks are not doing construction upgrades.

  5. Smoke and mirrors.

    There are less people working and paying taxes now and more people collecting Government redistributed wealth than when Obama took office, Period.
    That is the wrong direction even if your a diehard Democrat.

  6. no explanation of why this is another lie. use your commonsense. that's all that's needed here.

  7. Next month it will be 6% and he'll say "I told you we're on the right path." He's a joke .

  8. ppl use commonsense? hahaha thats funny.

  9. Next month will be lower when all those FEMA grants kick in for hiring firefighters.


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