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Monday, October 01, 2012


Two weeks after Islamists murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, FBI agents still have not been granted access to the U.S. consulate in Libya to investigate the crime scene. And conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh believes the Obama administration does not want the FBI on the scene to find facts about the attack that would hurt the president. 

Limbaugh suggested on his Friday radio show the FBI was not in Libya because they would “find out what happened.” 
“The FBI will not lie about what they find, so the regime has got to keep them out of there,” Limbaugh said. “If you have the FBI conducting an investigation and telling everybody officially what we know, that's not good for the regime.”


  1. Obama is no better than a common murderer. He may as well put a gun to the head of these men and pulled the trigger and killed them himself which would have been more humane then the way they were killed esp the ambassador who was tortured before he died.

  2. Rush is an entertainer, not a journalist. Please filter anything he says with the knowledge that the main reason for his comments is first and foremost to increase listener ratings. No disrespect intended, but it's just business.

  3. The United States Marines have never that I know of been unable to occupy and take over any compound they have been ordered in to. But, the Commander in Chief has to provide that order first.

  4. This is not about Rush Limbaugh 12:48. It is about an imcompetent piece of crap who instead of doing his job is running around campaigning. Those people would be alive today if not for the trash that is squatting in the white house. Now he is trying to cover up another one of his clusters which resulted in the murder of 4 people.

  5. 12:48 That may be but the fact still remains. The FBI has not been on the ground in Libya. CNN was there to rummage through all sorts of documents the day after.
    WHY not the FBI?

  6. Your comment cracks me up 1248. Rush is an entertainer? If anyone is an entertainer it is Obama because he sure as hell hasn't shown any qualities necessary to qualify as a leader.

  7. Of course obama doesn't want the FBI to investigate. But it would really be a waste of time anyway. We already know the protest was nonexistant and just another lie of many made up by the pathological liar obama. It was a planned attack and the warning including those of the ambassador were ignored. The ghetto trash obama was too preoccuped with hanging out with Jay Z and campaigning.

  8. The abomination known as Obama can not fade into obscurity fast enough.
    He is as dishonest as the day is long. Not only did he contribute directly to these deaths but then he attempts to cover them up by lying. Obama is worthy of zero respect from anyone. His actions are no better than a common criminal. When a man is wrong a man owns up to it and takes the consequences and learns from it. What Obama is doing is inexcuseable by any reasonable thinking human being.

  9. Obama has to get his bloody gloves out of the crime scene first.

  10. Wow, Cnn can get in there, but the United States Military cant????????

    Am I really here?


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