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Monday, October 29, 2012

Light House In Ocean City On Fire: UPDATE

Sadly, there is misinformation and photo-shopped photos circulating all over the internet. Even coming from our reputable sources. We are trying to weed through all of our information and monitor the current situation on our own...so we can continue to give you the most accurate information possible. The reason for this page is so everyone can post information and keep residents safe. Let's not give the people making fun of this storm a platform to share their misinformation! Keep us straight, we will keep you straight and we will all get through this together!


  1. Quick Salisbury Fire Boat to the rescue

  2. Maybe Salisbury will sell their fire boat to Ocean City for a profit.

  3. Salisbury Fireboat is outdated - in light of recent hurricane activity a new grant application will soon have to be submitted for a newer Coastguard cutter style fireboat instead.

    What will Salisbury do with old fireboat - it will be transferred into action as Parade showboat. No need to decommission it - in other words it will simply be put out and displayed for fireworks events whereby stream of water will be shot across river.

  4. OC Fire is having a custom boat built by Leighton Moore. I've seen it and it's a pretty sweet boat thatwill blow away ALL other fire boats on the east coast GUARANTEED!

  5. Joe you're going to hear this a lot over the next few days but thanks!!!!!! You guys r the only ones providing any type of good information right now!!!!!

  6. We do not believe this image is real. We sent in a message to another source who is currently checking into it, hence their reply posted in the article.

    There have been MANY fake photos put out there today. Why someone would do such a thing is beyond me but it is what it is.

    Even the local MSM has fallen victim of such images and while we are ALL doing our very best to deliver you the best information we can, mistakes are made.

    I'll add, while you are enjoying the up to the minute information we are providing, we're working off of three hours sleep in the past 48 hours. We are fielding phone calls, text messages, e-mail and comments like we've never seen or experienced before.

    On top of that, we need to secure our Families, homes and businesses.

    To the person sending in repeated comments demanding I confirm every photo sent in, first off, bite me. We cannot access Ocean City or New York City. IF you don't like what we're providing, go to our complaint department by clicking the big red "X" in the top right hand corner of this page.

  7. Now that's telling them Joe. Keep up the great work and thank you very much for everything you are doing.

  8. For real! They can bite me too. Joe is doing everyone a free service here and if he misses something with one of the photos then let him know instead of demanding he go over ever thing with a fine tooth comb.


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