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Monday, October 22, 2012

Libya Expose'


What did President Obama know, and when did he know it?

Go Here to view.


  1. lol, BRET BAIER only creates "devastating expose's" for dum dums that are all too willing to throw out objectivity and true fact-finding for political theater and hyperbole.

  2. #1. FACT: US. Air Force drone on scene over consulate in Libya 9/11/12.
    Reported up the chain of command immediately. Red phone rings in White House within minutes.
    #2. U.S. Air force assets within an hour away were never scrambled for defense.
    Mr. President, Why did you not defend our consulate?
    You knew immediately there was no protest. You knew immediately it was a full assault by terrorists. The Ambassador had to have notified American personnel as he did his online gaming friends that the consulate was under attack.

    No response from the President...

  3. Sorry you do not want to hear the truth 1:01. True fact finding finds that Obama in his attempt to try to make everyone think his asinine 'arab spring' was a success failed those 4 who were murdered! That is the fact!
    Obama killed those people just the same as if he had pulled a trigger. Obama being a stupid SOB ignored even the concerns of the ambassador himself because he wanted everyone to think all was normal in Libya. And then the consumate liar obama lies to cover up his screw up as if anyone with a brain that works would believe the video story.
    Anyone who would vote for this incompetent empty chair is a fool.

  4. baier and of course fox did a great job here.

  5. Saw this the other night and the facts were thoroughly explained. Obama and the State Department failed America! It's time they are fired by the American voters. Elect real patriotic Americans on November 6!

  6. I saw an article that pointed the finger at the CIA and implied there was some hard feelings between the White House and Quantico. Not a good sign when the President can't control those under him in the Executive Branch.

  7. 2:22, The blame lies directly on the shoulders of Obama. He wanted everyone to believe their was normalicy in Libya. If the diplomatic missions there had been guarded like Fort Knox everyone would have know there was trouble-existing, brewing or otherwise.
    Bottom Line-Obama wanted to be able to tout and show off how successful his handling of the Middle East had turned out.
    In his deliberate attempt to deceive the world he murdered 4 Americans,including one the ambassador who did everything but get on his hands and knees and beg for more security. Obama failed these people horribly.
    There are no words to describe how repulsive Obama is. He is on the same level as a mother who ignores a child saying they are being sexually abused.

  8. The was an excellent informative special by Bret Baier.
    If for nothing else after the Libya fiasco I couldn't vote for Obama. The supposed video and protest that got out of control scenario sounded like something an 8 yr old would make up to get out of trouble. It's like Obama's mental growth was retarded at the age of 8.

  9. Seriously did Obama think for one second anyone was going to fall for the "spontaneous reaction to a video" story?
    Just because he can't see the forest through the trees and was BS'ed by the Islamists claiming to be Freedom Fighters intent on democracy deception doesn't mean most Americans are so uninformed.


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