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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Libya Attack Was Terrorism

The State Department's description of last month's attack on a consulate in Libya is now in sync with Republican claims. State now said the attack was purely the product of a terrorist plan, and not the result of an out- of-control Muslim protest. An unnamed State Department source told the Associated Press that officials never concluded it was caused by the protest in the first place. That was just the initial explanation pending investigation. The message came on the eve of a hearing on the attack before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has accused the State Department of refusing to grant requests from its contingent in Libya for more security. Four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador, were killed in the attack.


  1. Yes, we know Obama, Clinton, Rice, Carney, Axlerod, Schultz, Cutter, Pelosi, Biden Gibbs ALL LIED through their teeth to America and even the family members of the unprotected consulate personnel that were killed in the terrorist attack.

    Democrats are proud of this and will show it with their vote for these scumbag neophyte political hacks.

  2. They all got caught lying to us for a MONTH, so now they HAVE to come clean. Meanwhile, there's one more dead at our Yemen Embassy!

    Have we re- occupied the Lebanese one yet with some Marines????

  3. No way...I voted for Obama and that was just a work place violence issue.


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