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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Liberty Once Lost…

“Losing Property Rights in Maryland”
By Delegate Mike McDermott
The big government folks in the General Assembly and the O’Malley administration have teamed up to all but put an end to rural land development in Maryland. In coming months, Maryland Counties must conform their zoning to comply with a 4-Tier system being forced upon them by the Department of Planning or risk not being allowed to approve any significant development. At the same time, new septic regulations flowing out of the Maryland Department of the Environment demand enhanced nutrient removal systems for all development. In essence, we all now live in a “critical area”.

As to the tiers established for your property, most of our undeveloped land on the shore will find itself designated at levels 3 or 4. If your land is placed in these tiers, your development rights are further restricted. You say you were looking forward to carving out an acre for junior to build on a few years from now? In many Maryland counties this will not be allowed.

As to the septic regulations, if you are allowed to build (and that’s a big “if”), your cost will increase by $10-$15 thousand and your operational costs will be higher over the life of the system. That’s the kind of money that keeps folks from building their American dream. Add a bedroom to your existing home, get ready to pay for a full septic upgrade.

Under Republican leadership, Maryland left the planning decisions to local government where land use is best determined. Under Democratic rule, local control is being vanquished in favor of an ill conceived cookie cutter approach drawn up in Annapolis. The State Department of Planning use to be a great resource for local government. It has now more akin to a jack booted thug on the necks of all property owners in Maryland.

Private property rights are one of our essential liberties as Marylanders and Americans. If the government dictates that you cannot develop your land, it has taken away much of the value without any due compensation for the loss. Your ability to leverage your property to purchase other real estate or access available capital will be significantly diminished when your land has significantly reduced value. This will hit our farmers and entrepreneurs hard.

I have sent letters to the lower shore counties asking them to conduct meaningful public hearings on the new Tiered land designations. This new level of comprehensive zoning must be clearly understood by the landowners as their livelihood and futures are clearly at stake.
The Tiered system, enhanced septic demands, and the requirement of sprinklers in all new construction will cost Marylanders tens of thousands of dollars. At a time when we need jobs and development in our state, big government proponents drive up the cost of doing business and heap regulation upon regulation.

If we lose our property rights, we will need to redefine the word “liberty” for our children’s children. Contact your County Commissioners or Council members and share your concerns.
Marylanders, it’s time to stand up and take back your state.


  1. We just built a house on the water and have gone through complete hell. It is getting harder and harder to comply with all of the tedious regulations and environmental nonsense. I will NEVER buy land in Maryland again....NEVER!

  2. Surely Mike must have good news now and then.It can't all be bad.

  3. I hope people come together in "droves" Stand back---do nothing & watch "Big Brother" take your land rights & many others!

  4. "Anonymous said...
    Surely Mike must have good news now and then.It can't all be bad.

    October 6, 2012 4:05 PM"

    Any "good news" and it's all over the news. The MSM hides the bad stuff for the democratically controlled state. If Mike wasn't so dilegent about keeping up informed about the shenanigans we would know nothing and think everything was fine and dandy.


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