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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Last Night's City Council Work Session Part I

This was yet another very long Work Session but it was packed with very interesting topics and discussion. It started at 1:30 PM and finished at 7:20 PM.

The discussion, (or should I say debate) got heated at times but each side had very good points. In fact, at one point Council President Terry Cohen stated, "your both right".

Let's talk about the Downtown Parking Discount Plan. While Mayor Ireton proposed a reduction in rates for every one, he also included the Health Department in that plan. The Council immediately became defensive stating that they already get a discount because of the volume in their facility. It was mentioned that you can't discriminate against a government agency. Fortunately I was able to chime in and asked, IF the Health Department is already getting a discount that other businesses are not, isn't the City already discriminating against business owners already?

I went on to suggest the parking lot west of the 2 hour free parking should be open to business owners and their staff for free. Eliminate the Mayor's proposal and simply offer that lot for free. Mind you, this lot will not supply enough parking for all businesses but those who come to work early enough would have the opportunity to park for free. Those people who don't fit into the lot can pay $2.00 per day in the 2 hour lot and or the parking garage.

I believe this proposal would show good faith on the City's behalf and at the same time retain the income it usually gets in permit parking.

Another good question was brought up, do the parking meters have an adverse impact on parking? There's a great argument here. I think it is safe to say that the majority of Council Members do NOT like the Parking Meters Downtown. However, the BIG concern is, how to you recapture that income if they are removed.

During a break in asked Shanie and Laura to come outside to talk. I explained that I did have a way to resolve that matter. I stated that IF the Zoo were to charge $1.00 a day for NON residents of the City, that funding could pay to remove whatever volume of meters in the City that equals the income from the Zoo. Laura fairly defended the Zoo by saying they are one of two small Zoo's in America that are still free. I repeated, the Zoo would still remain free to City of Salisbury residents. Shanie asked, what about those people who can't afford the $1.00? I responded, that's a great question Shanie. However, my goal would be to open the Zoo one day a month for free to ALL patrons. Shanie immediately agree to the idea and said, I like it.

Laura mentioned the National Zoo being a free Zoo. You are correct Laura. However, the National Zoo charges $18.00 to park your car.

My goal, Ladies & Gentlemen, is to think outside the box. How can we make positive changes in Salisbury WITHOUT having to raise taxes. I truly do not believe a $1.00 fee will hurt those people coming into Salisbury to take advantage of what we provide. I also believe we should do everything in our powers to INVITE people here and stop punishing them with parking meters and tickets to boot. We want people to stay longer, not rush out of the City simply because their meter might run out soon.

I also believe meters are necessary in certain areas. For example, outside the Government Office Building. However, we need to eliminate them, (if at all possible) in 90% of the City. Laura Mitchell also mentioned a program they offer in Annapolis. Valet parking is now a big thing at some of the Mall's. There's a $2.00 charge to drop off and pick up your vehicle. They have small tents you pull up to in case it's raining and so forth. I expressed how this might be a fantastic idea for the Court House.

All in all, this Council is NOT as stubborn as many might think. There are some serious challenges ahead of us but for now the Mayor's discount plan needs far more research and has been tabled. Perhaps the Mayor will be open to some of my ideas as well as Laura Mitchell's, time will tell.


  1. Jim Ireton is not open to anyone's ideas but his own and his pet people's, including Mitchell.

    Shields has been changing her tune of late. She must be getting nervous about her re-election chances.

  2. Why not offer prepaid cards. Purchase the card and when you want to go to the zoo slide the card for entrance. Others if they want to pay as you go the dollar. These cards could be given as gifts from grandparents etc to children to visit the zoo.

  3. Joe, at the National Zoo after 3 hours the parking fee goes up to $22. You can just about count on spending more than 3hrs in the zoo.

  4. Who doesn't have $1? If you don't have $1, maybe you shouldn't be driving your car to the zoo. Or maybe you shouldn't have a car? Or maybe you can ride your bike or take mass transit?


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