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Friday, October 19, 2012

John McCain Slams Obama, Rice On Libya

MILWAUKEE, Wis. — In what appeared to be off-the-cuff remarks here at a campaign event supporting Republican Senate candidate Tommy Thompson, Sen. John McCain hit the Obama administration hard for its early response to the attacks on the U.S. mission in Libya last month.
Particularly, he fumed over the administration's early suggestion that the attacks were a spontaneous response to an inflammatory anti-Muslim video, noting U.N. ambassador Susan Rice's early talk-show account.
"Maybe in our U.N. ambassador's mind, there are people sitting around in their living rooms there that said, 'Gee, there's a hateful video there. Grab your mortar, honey! We're going to a demonstration!'" McCain said.
His remarks drew laughs from Thompson and two other Senators that appeared at the veterans-centered Thompson rally — Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.



  1. They will all be fired.October 19, 2012 at 7:15 PM

    He is trying to save his job too!

  2. Have his testicles finally descended?


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