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Friday, October 12, 2012

Impulse Buying Isn't (Entirely) Your Fault

Ever gone to the grocery story intending to buy apples and milk and left with a jar of queso dip, a gallon of ice cream and an enormous bag of Halloween candy?
Impulse shopping can wreak havoc on your healthy eating plans, but experts say it may not be entirely your fault.
An editorial published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine blames part of the obesity epidemic on our food environment. Dr. Deborah Cohen and Dr. Susan Babey collaborated to write the article "Candy at the Cash Register - A Risk Factor for Obesity and Chronic Disease."


  1. That;s right it is always someone else fault.

  2. Yes, I have done this too. And I have read articles on how store managers display certain items at certain areas in the store to get us to buy them.

    There is a lot of thought that goes into the stocking of a store. Being sarcastic about it's always someone else's fault may make you feel better but actually has some truth to it

  3. Twice a year I buy something off the stands at the wait line, and it's not always a candy bar. It's a little something I have in me. I call it self- control. Try it sometime.

  4. Twice a year I buy something off the stands at the wait line, and it's not always a candy bar. It's a little something I have in me. I call it self- control. Try it sometime.

    October 13, 2012 7:46 AM

    Are you always an asshole?


  5. Are you always an asshole?

    October 13, 2012 9:24 AM

    Were you always 350 pounds?
    Signed, 7:46

    P.S. No, as a matter of fact. I just happen to only be as nice as you are!

  6. Were you always 350 pounds?
    Signed, 7:46

    P.S. No, as a matter of fact. I just happen to only be as nice as you are!

    October 13, 2012 5:17 PM

    Nope, never made it that far. You may be nice when you're not behind a computer but it certainly does not show in your comments.

    Have a nice day.


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