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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How Romney Won Last Night's Debate

Mitt Romney showed up to the third debate a decidedly more low-key candidate than we have seen so far during the 2012 general election, taking a remarkably non-confrontational approach to his final match-up with President Barack Obama. 
Romney's performance was largely unremarkable, lacking any clear argument or foreign policy vision, but also avoiding major stumbles or gaffes. 
Obama may have won the debate on points, and even style. But by keeping his cool, and avoiding any major gaffes or stumbles, Romney also walked away from the debate successful.
Romney's strategy of staying above the fray reflects the Republican nominee's continued momentum going into the final two weeks of the presidential race. In Monday's debate, Romney exuded the easy confidence of a challenger who thinks he has enough of an advantage to risk running out the clock. And Obama's aggressive offense suggests that his re-election team agrees with that assessment. 



  1. Wow, how Romney won the debate? Here's a real clear answer, he didn't. He was beat down hard and exposed for the liar that he is.

  2. What did Romney lie about 2:00?

  3. Romney supporters believe that Romney won, while Obama supporters believe that Obama and the "undecided" voters are just brain dead.

  4. Awwww... 2:00 PM's widdle feelins' are hurt cause Obama is a loser,liar and cheat and he feels decieved...

  5. Romney did say Iran's path to the sea was thru Syria. (Iran touches 3 bodies, but no Syria, so come again?)

    Obama took credit for things he didn't do.

  6. 5:31 Romney said that because Iran is building a military base in Syria.

  7. 2:00 pm is a Obama voter who lies around watching TV all day (paid for by working people)and has all the life choices paid for by hard working people. Guess what HOME-BOY of 2:00pm...better start job hunting YO DIS SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET FOE WHEEL


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